Watch A Seed Grow
Watch a seed grow. To see the miraculous in the mundane, the extraordinary in the ordinary. Watch a seed grow. To understand that it is through our attention that something becomes sacred. Watch a seed grow….
With Love
Spend some time during an everyday, mindless task, really noticing what you are doing. Do the task with love and tenderness. Observe your actions with all your senses, feeling into and embodying the task. Do you notice what brings you pleasure? Displeasure? Is there one sense that is easier for you to notice? One that is harder? When your attention is used up, let it go. That is okay too.
When The Heart Speaks
A simple practice: With your hands on your heart, pause and ask yourself “What is my heart being drawn toward?” Listen for the answer. It may not come in words and it may not be an action. It may just be a feeling or an image. Feel into the answer and accept it. You don’t have to do anything, just know it’s there.
Imperfect Beginnings
…every single best thing that's ever happened to me happened when I wasn't prepared, didn’t even try to prepare…